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RE: What distinct advantages does Defi have over traditionally centralized financial products and processes?

in Reveriolast year

For one, DeFi promotes financial inclusivity, since anyone with an internet connection and a digital wallet can access DeFi services. This removes barriers related to geography, socio-economic status, and other factors that can limit access to traditional financial services. Additionally, is often praised for its transparency and resistance to censorship, as it leverages the openness and immutability of blockchain technology.

However, the high fees and past failures in the space do pose challenges. Regarding mortgages and personal/business loans, there's potential for these to exist on DeFi protocols. We're already seeing examples of peer-to-peer lending and borrowing platforms in DeFi. However, they'd need to overcome challenges around enforceability and physical asset collateralization to gain mainstream acceptance.

Trust in DeFi platforms can be built through several routes. Firstly, auditable and open-source code is crucial, so that users can independently verify the functionality of the platform. Secondly, insurance solutions, offer coverage against smart contract failures and hacks. Finally, community governance models, where users have a say in the direction of the platform, can help foster trust by aligning incentives. It's a combination of these measures, along with robust regulatory frameworks, that can help DeFi platforms build the confidence necessary to rival traditional financial services.