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RE: How do you get people to join Hive and stick with it?

in Reveriolast year

I will tell only for my experience, been around long even if I post slowly (just following the logic that I create slowly, though I am always thinking about becoming more "candid" with my posts and somehow later fail at consistency, but no pauses, always around. I will tell you that of course the rewards are nice but what keeps me coming back is that I usually get feedback (and encouragement). It is quite uneven, sometimes you work hard on a post and it's rewarded handsomely but noone says anything. As an artist for me to have a potential audience listening is pivotal, and when just like last post, people join with an encouraging word, it motivates me to share next. Honestly I got more feedback on hive's post than elsewhere on the other platforms. And well not long of finishing my next videos that was really very encouraging.
Also on the other hand I like to know what happens with people I've met along the way, this happens in every platform, so I always check on people (personally) some are not even active around here anymore.
I also have quite a lot of you on twitter, and for me that's a reason also to browse home and friends here :) like what's up. I mean "community" matters


I think everyone should use Hive at their own pace. You must be busy creating, but then the finished music or video will be spectacular. I'm happy to hear you get good feedback. I am just on Hive a lot, but then it's fun. I ought to be off making music really, so I will try to do more of that.

Community really does matter.