Charlie does Grooming.

in Dogs4 years ago

Charlie is at the groomers for his monthly pampering.

Grooming was in full swing when I picked him up today.

A very frizzy Bichon Frise waiting to be dried and it looks like Jodie intends to change the channel on the (Spaniel?) dog shes grooming?

As usual, Harry has done a cracking job on Charlie who seems to be poking his tongue out at me now he's in the arms of his favourite groomer.

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I think he loves the groom, and once a month wow, the boys here are going twice a year

We had a Bichon before Charlie, he was called Archie. We used to groom Archie ourselves and it used to take between 2-3 hours. Fortunately Archie didn't mind us grooming him. Charlie is a pain in the bum if we do him so I'd rather pay someone else. LOL

"If you don't have enough power or Crypto to upvote me; reshare me instead. Reshares are worth their weight in gold!"

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Well the boys take 2 hours and they love the attention but the standing still is difficult for setters

Ahh cute. Thanks for the invite to this community. I just signed up. They just reopened the groomers here locally, I'm going to need to find one for our puppy soon. I'll be posting some updates soon! Cheers.

No masks in the shop? It seems strange to see people without them. No, I don't mean the dogs should wear them.

It's this "Bubble" cobblers they go on about. Because they all work together they're in a bubble. Yeah right. 🤦‍

"If you don't have enough power or Crypto to upvote me; reshare me instead. Reshares are worth their weight in gold!"

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Well as long as they have no contact with other humans then it could work, but humans tend to break systems.

Charlie looks adorable 🙂