That's not Charlie?

in Dogs4 years ago

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Can you believe it's the same dog? We joke in our house that "He's broken" Charlie is forever doing strange things and here is another example. Before Charlie, we had a Bichon Frise called Archie, who we sadly lost to cancer so when we looked for another dog, we didn't want a white one as it would remind us of poor Archie. Charlie was perfect, lots of brown patches and seemed to be a lively little chap from the week-old videos the breeder sent us. Then Charlie, true to form, as we would soon learn, decided to confound us all by turning white!

He does still have a very light brown patch on his back that shows through sometimes, and the tips of his ear hair are black. I often say to the wife: "I'm sure that breeder sold us the broken one!" :-D

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O M G , I'm not used to seeing puppies in the morning, I think I'm gonna melt 😍

I soooo want a puppy, but it's not the right time atm. I'm trying to decorate and I have two cats in their senior years to consider. Not sure they'd appreciate a bouncy energetic puppy. So tempting though, I miss having a dog!

We've never really had any problems with dogs. I think most dogs chew out of boredom however Charlie is not a cat (or squirrel) fan although if ever he gets up close and personal with a cat that doesn't move Charlie's all "What the f? I'm barking damn you!" LOL

"If you don't have enough power or Crypto to upvote me; reshare me instead. Reshares are worth their weight in gold!"

Don't forget, you can upvote peoples comments too!

Oh I didn't mean that I'm worried about potential destruction as such, more that it's probably not a good idea to have an inquisitive and energetic bouncy puppy around when I have tins of paint and stepladders and such around the place. And when the painting is done it's time to get new flooring laid. Not ideal practically or economically.

But mostly it's the cats. They put up with our last dog who, while lovely, was a typical slightly overly enthusiastic Staffie. In a good way for us but not so much for the cats, lol. I think they're enjoying a quiet retirement now that she's not around and I feel mean disrupting that. Really do miss not having a dog around though, life feels a bit empty without a wagging tail.

I must have missed this one. Good to see you were blessed with some big votes. Those can be a bit random, but maybe you are on the nice list now :)

The nice list? Oh, that's just great! Fifty odd years I've worked hard not to be a sheep and you destroy me in seconds with your "Nice List" now I will definitely have to live to be 100 so I can rebuild my reputation over the next fifty years! 😉 🤣

"If you don't have enough power or Crypto to upvote me; reshare me instead. Reshares are worth their weight in gold!"

Don't forget, you can upvote peoples comments too!

LOL! Just don't expect to get these sorts of votes regularly. Some people seem to get them a lot, but for most of us it's a real lottery. I think it may be a mix of whales looking around for stuff they like and teams of curators selecting posts to use their project votes on. I just hope we can see a broader spread of big votes.

Just do what you do and have fun.

So you mean that finally, people with the power have not gone: "We best shut this up and drop out some half-decent votes on him"?

"If you don't have enough power or Crypto to upvote me; reshare me instead. Reshares are worth their weight in gold!"

Don't forget, you can upvote peoples comments too!

Who knows what their motives are. I just don't see anyone complaining when they get a big vote, but others don't :)

I have to hid videos like this from the wife or I fear we'll end up with even more animals.

I recently lost the love of my life, my first pomeranian Tod. We knew that we wanted another Pom, but like you, I was not ready to get the same color dog, so we went the extreme and picked out to black and tan puppies (Tod was a creamy/tan/"beaver" colored pom).

Don't puppies surprise us! They change their colors so much!

I really enjoyed your video!!

lovely. I do love happy puppy vids!