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@justclickindiva, thank you for sharing and more importantly, thank you for motivating me to get my health under control.

Diabetes is a terrible illness. My mum was a diabetic for 30yrs bit controlled it with diet and medication, then for the last 2 yrs of her life, she had to go onto insulin injections and then when she got sick with cancer- wow, the diabetes really kicked into high gear then as cancer is an infection and infections naturally make the blood sugar rise, so I was having to give her incredible amounts of insulin at all times during the day cause it was such a rollercoaster and some of the Hypos and the hypers nearly killed her before the cancer did...

So I gave her **TumeriX ** and that made an incredible difference, not only to her diabetes, but also her arthritis and the tumours in her lungs and it only took 3 days to notice a huge difference.

A few of the nurses that were looking after her during some of her hospitals stays were originally from India and they recommended Fenugreek and said that most people drink it in India every day to keep the blood sugar level. Have you ever tried that?

I look forward to speaking with you again soon and congratulations on achieving your goals! 😊 Stay safe and stay motivated!


Thank you so much for the engagement on this issue. I know about Tumerix. But I didn't know about Fenugreek. You are 100% correct in that any other underlying condition makes Diabetes harder. That is what I'm battling right now with sinus infections, thyroids, and heart problems, in addition to arthritis.

I had to stop the steroid shots for sinus infection because it raises my A1C level 100 points each dosage. Then it takes 6 months to get it back down. It's a roller coaster because the treatment for one ailment affects another ailment the opposite direction.

So glad you understand that. And that issue is what makes it so hard to deal with Diabetes itself.