Activity Number 1: Participate in this first activity by shouting to the four winds. [Esp/Eng]

in Inner Blocks7 months ago (edited)

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¡Hola! Emojot los saluda.
Desde hoy quiero dar inicio a esta aventura en la cual espero que todos ustedes me acompañen con sus publicaciones desde su experiencia personal.
Como la idea es empezar a trabajar juntos para así comenzar a amarnos como somos y a la vez desahogarnos, entonces se me ocurrió iniciar con la siguiente actividad.
Por favor no te detengas ni un minuto porque es importante que leas todo hasta el final para que comprendas como una cosa va de la otra y por supuesto espero sus comentarios para conocer que piensan de la primera actividad a la cual he llamado "Gritando a los cuatro vientos"

Hello! Emojot greets you.
From today I want to start this adventure in which I hope you all join me with your publications from your personal experience.
As the idea is to start working together to begin to love each other as we are and at the same time to unburden ourselves, then I thought of starting with the following activity.
Please don't stop for a minute because it is important that you read everything until the end so that you understand how one thing goes from the other and of course I am waiting for your comments to know what you think of the first activity which I have called "Shouting to the four winds".


Sí, ha llegado el momento de que salgas a un espacio donde te sientas libre, donde te sientas en intimidad y donde puedas gritar todo lo que puedas, llorar, desahogarte y hasta quejarte todo lo que quieras.
Ten en cuenta que esto va a provocar que tu estado emocional se desplome y es posible que muchos pensamientos negativos comiencen a atacarte. La idea de esto es que puedas desahogarte y sentir que te liberas de tanta tensión. Si no se siente preparado para esto por favor no lo haga.
Como estamos iniciando un proceso, esto lo vas a hacer en el momento que decidas iniciar también y vas a escoger ese día y solo ese día vas a hacerlo porque durante los siguientes días haremos otro tipo de actividad que te van a ayudar a subir tu estado emocional.


Yes, the time has come for you to go out into a space where you feel free, where you feel intimate and where you can scream as much as you can, cry, vent and even complain as much as you want.
Keep in mind that this will cause your emotional state to plummet and it is possible that many negative thoughts will begin to attack you. The idea of this is that you can let off steam and feel like you are freeing yourself from so much tension. If you don't feel ready for this please don't do it.
As we are initiating a process, you are going to do this at the moment you decide to initiate as well and you are going to choose that day and only that day you are going to do it because during the following days we will do another type of activity that will help you to raise your emotional state.

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Vas a sentirte agotado u agotada después de haber soltado todo lo que te agobiaba, todo lo que te estresaba y no puedes irte a la cama, así porque ahora necesitas recuperarte hasta quedar como en un estado en que te sientes relajado y te sientes bien de alguna forma.
¿Qué puedo hacer?
Ubícate en tu lugar favorito con esa bebida que te encanta, haz ejercicio, escucha música, un poco de Yoga, baila, canta o procura hacer una actividad que sabes que va a elevar tu estado emocional.
Te doy un ejemplo. Cuando estoy triste me gusta escuchar música alegre, bailar y cantarla para así sentir que mi espíritu regresa al cuerpo y más tarde me siento bien de nuevo.

You're going to feel exhausted after you've let go of everything that was weighing you down, everything that was stressing you out and you can't go to bed, so now you need to recover until you're kind of in a state where you feel relaxed and you feel good in some way.
What can I do?
Go to your favorite place with that drink you love, exercise, listen to music, do some Yoga, dance, sing or try to do an activity that you know will elevate your emotional state.
Here's an example. When I am sad I like to listen to happy music, dance and sing it so I feel that my spirit returns to my body and later I feel good again.


Espero te sientas muy bien luego de ese proceso y que lo disfrutes.
Bueno, me parece que es momento para que ahora solo te detengas a agradecer por quién eres, como eres, por como vas a hacer y por lo que tienes también.
Esto puedes hacerlo antes de levantarte y también al acostarte.
Después de todo hay que agradecer porque tenemos un lugar donde vivir, algo donde dormir, un espacio donde estar, algo que comer y así lo que se te ocurra.
Esto debería ayudar a subir tu estado emocional y a sentirte bien contigo.

I hope you feel great after this process and that you enjoy it.
Well, it seems to me that it is time for you now to just stop and be grateful for who you are, how you are, how you are going to do and for what you have as well.
You can do this before you get up and also when you go to bed.
After all we have to be thankful because we have a place to live, something to sleep, a space to be, something to eat and so whatever you can think of.
This should help you to raise your emotional state and feel good about yourself.

Me gustaría que nos comentes un post sobre como estuvo tu semana aplicando lo de agradecer cada día, como te sentiste el día que gritaste a los cuatro viento, cual fue esa actividad que hiciste para luego sentirte bien y que haces para sentirte bien.
¿Tienes alguna idea que te gustaría compartir para la siguiente semana?

Esto no es un concurso pero quiero compartir algo que nos motive, ¿te parece?
Compartiré el 60% de las recompensas obtenidos en este post con tres participantes que serán escogido de forma aleatoria con la ayuda de una ruleta.

I would like you to comment us a post about how was your week applying the daily gratitude, how did you feel the day you shouted to the four winds, what was that activity you did to feel good and what do you do to feel good.
Do you have any ideas you would like to share for next week?

**This is not a contest but I want to share something that motivates us, do you think?
I will share 60% of the rewards earned in this post with three participants who will be chosen at random with the help of a roulette wheel.

All images shown here are prepared in Canva.

Emojot will stay at Inner blocks to share together our emotional state, our day to day life, our experiences applying practices to learn to love ourselves.
Emojot will not accept content created with AI.
Emojot is about being 100% real with who we are and what we feel.
Emojot does not judge or allow plagiarism.
Emojot adapts perfectly to the already written rules of Inner Blocks. 

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After doing the shouting to the four corners , I felt something fell off like a burden on my head fell off. I'm grateful for this exercise 👍

Whenever, I'm worried I turned on my mp3 to listen to gospel songs like worship songs or get a Korean movie to watch and before you know it, my soul is lifted back to normal 👌

Everyday of my life, I sing a new song to thank my God for how far he has brought me. I'm always grateful to God 👍👍

I am very happy to read this. I'm glad you dared to hit a shout out to the four winds. I'm also glad you're doing something to be thankful for and something to raise your emotional state.
I send you a hug.

I am very happy to read this. I'm glad you dared to hit a shout out to the four winds. I'm also glad you're doing something to be thankful for and something to raise your emotional state.
I send you a hug.

Thank you for the beautiful hug 🤗
Looking forward to see more

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Great idea...
After shout out, i felt like someone is watching me.