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RE: Grandma

in Inner Blocks6 months ago

I totally feel you... and that is tough.
My grandma died when she was 101 years old in the middle of COVID pandemic, but it wasn't a COVID death, at least to our knowledge. Her brain started to deteriorate in her early 80's. She got to a time when she couldn't recognize even my father(her son). It was bad, she couldn't feed by herself. I thought a lot during this period if was it worth to be alive through this period of time from her perspective. Anyways, we as people who care about our family need to invest time and effort both emotional and physical to help relatives that sometimes, like in your case, it is only you! In our case at least there were 3 children (my father, an uncle, and an aunt) and a grandchild if needed. Like you finished the post with this amazing picture, in the end, we keep the good memories forever, and that's what matters.