

Thank you. It is so sh-tty. On the one hand you want to be positive and encouraging and on the other… I am not sure my cousins (her kids) nor my uncle (her husband) totally grasp the reality of what’s to come. Two guys I knew peripherally growing up died of glioblastoma… in their 20’s. It was fast and cruel. 😔

And then I think about how covid kept us all from celebrating holidays and birthdays together the last few years… it is heartbreaking. And I keep trying to get my dad to go see my aunt and offer to watch my mom while he goes. But he doesn’t since he feels like he needs to be with mom… it is a mess.

I did talk to my aunt over the weekend on the phone. Her radiation and chemo started this week, so I wanted to check in on her before she is too tired for calls. She said she felt good, except for tiring easily. Her words were steady but came very slowly.

Life is just not very kind sometimes. 😞