Crosschain blogging on Hive

in HODL4 years ago


Every time you think Leo can't get better, the project turns up with something new that will give you cause to be happy. The recent addition to the list of awesome things Leo has added is the option to blog directly into Hive community through your Ethereum wallet, from Metamask wallet access to be specific.

The science/tech part of it is a little bit hazy. However, it isn't really of any concern to the average blogger who simply wants to blog and earn. It has been dumbed down to the barest minimum, thus enabling literally anybody with a metamask to use Leo front-end and inevitably, hive front-end.

The idea is simple; to make it easier for people to use the blogging platform and most importantly, to facilitate onboarding the masses to Leo and invariably, Hive.

I've always felt like there was something off about the onboarding process on Hive front-ends. I have invited a fair bit of people to the community who lose interest simply because of how "confusing" the process can be.

The masses are more conversant with logging into a profile using email and password, rather than a confusing key, so if there's a way to simplify the process as @threespeak did theirs, we will make life a lot easier for people.

So, with the metamask login, a user can get an instant account and then log in directly to use Leo/hive in the traditional way. The only difference is that your earnings get converted through to ethereum, which I think is pretty awesome.

Giving people the option to have a seamless experience of Hive front-end is a brilliant way to increase traffic and it is something that SPlinterlands has used for the longest time. It is the reason why the NFT based card battle game has been at the forefront of daily activities for so long and something that Leo, in particular, will benefit from, since ad revenue is a key component of earning around here.

I will write blog posts about, Finance, Fintech, blockchain and cryptocurrency

Link to gig

All I need is a topic, tone of the post and any extra information you'd like me to add. If you choose to patronise me, I assure you that all our conversations will be kept private.

I will write insightful football articles

Link to gig

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I saw this post on Steem. ;)

Opportunities nowadays are endless! It's great to see people using them to improve their financial situation! Keep being productive! I'm sure you're an inspiration to many!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta