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RE: My Strategy For Taking Crypto Profits

in HODL4 years ago

i'm going about 70% btc, 15% eth, 15% altcoin ... i'm leaning towards yes that BTC and ETH both nearly double from here approximately in 6 months

did you see this ... ,,, from one of altcoin daily's recent posts:
YAM - $76 million deposited with no audits on contracts, released Tue, hit $150, now trading at $0.80 !
ouch !


These liquidity pools and flash loans are going to get out of control, so many smart contracts creating tokens for rehypothecation and dumping! I don't even know who these nutso people are who even find these projects and go lose their money investing in it

Looks like this is the ico 2.0 hype. Just tell people that you do de-fi and throw in some promise for dividends or so based on leverage trading and people that dream of becoming rich overnight will start throwing money at you.

Absolutely, you hit the nail on the head, what people don't get about DE-FI and these staking coins is that you are getting paid in inflation so as long as people are buying in the price and go up and the inflation you get is worth more but as soon as people start selling the whole thing breaks apart, very ponzi like

Unless thres a use for the capital and not just giving away inflation, I don't see it as DE-FI i see that as ponzi-nomics

True, and in the regulated market this wouldn’t be possible in the same way. Out at least they would be forced to yell peeled that their product is a very high risk product.

But crypto is not regulated, so people have to be very cautious, but they aren’t because of greed.

Yeah I don't care much for regulation I think that it takes away from people's ability to see rubbish, I prefer people learn to evaluate things or they will never learn.

You don't protect the public by keeping them ignorant, give them the tools to learn on how to invest and then let them do as they please.

That's just how I see it

True, but because that is exactly what happens in the rest of society people are not prepared for this Wild West of crypto.

Exactly the crypto space seems nuts to normies because they’ve allowed governments to wrap them in cotton wool and coddle them! It’s time for personal responsibility and the benefits of handling your own money will always come with short falls if you are reckless, governments and instance can’t make you whole