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RE: A Marathon Not a Sprint

in HODL3 years ago

Happy new year oaldamster...I was just telling someone how we sort of planned the virtual hive fest that took place without knowing it, I guess you remember the idea behind steemtopia..steems virtual world, it was nice to see something like that actualize and implemented. Hope you've been great

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Thanks! Going with the flow currently. Hope you are doing well!

It was almost if we were able to forsee a possible future with that virtual realm idea. And then 2020 happened. Where it become almost too real.

This might become a thing though. Virtual presence in a digital realm. Next add more senses, like smell and touch.

Then wearing a suit that helps experience it, and we are on the next level. Being presence in a completely made up virtuality.

That next level Hive-Fest will be mind blowing!

Posted using Dapplr

It was almost if we were able to forsee a possible future with that virtual realm idea. And then 2020 happened. Where it become almost too real.

Haha i know i know,...i was very excited when i saw it, your name sprung up immediately in my head,it was as if our chats was exactly what was was really nice to see.

This might become a thing though. Virtual presence in a digital realm. Next add more senses, like smell and touch

Yeahhhh you get, funny enough I read a post recently about a Japanese scientist who is working on the ability to transform electromagnetic signals into taste,so someone can actually lick their screen and taste a particular food. Lol its crazy...

Then wearing a suit that helps experience it, and we are on the next level. Being presence in a completely made up virtuality.

Twill be crazy...anyway the entire world is crazy nowadays lol...

We aint seen nothing yet! :-)

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