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RE: Thinking Percentages Not Nominal Figures

in HODL • 4 years ago

I'll be a Jessie also.. 😉

I'm in a similar place, not enough spare fiat to really go all in, but keen to build a future were I can free myself from the daily grind. Looking for income and ways to grind out more crypto, wherever I can.

Now, I think I'll have pizza for dinner.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Oh indeed, I continue to try to increase my Satoshi balance every week. So I dollar cost average in every month a lump sum, then I set another small buy order to go off every week and from next month I;m going to do another small buy order every day and keep stacking them up

I hope you will be buying your Pizza with filthy fiat don't you dare spend a Satoshi on it lol

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

No way I'd buy pizza with BTC. HIVE maybe, if I could easily, but that's a different story.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta