"Dollar is becoming softer, Bitcoin is becoming harder" - Robert Kiyosaki

in HODL4 years ago


Robert Kiyosaki know for the Rich Dad Poor Dad book is a book I wouldn't mind reading over and over again. You would imagine he will stick to his Real Estate, Gold, Silver investments probably due to his age but unsurprisingly though Robert have turned Bitcoin advocate recently which is what Bitcoin needs, some advocacy from notable figures.

Robert kiyosaki recently revealed to Pomp on his Radio show why he started buying Bitcoin is because

Dollar is becoming softer, Bitcoin is becoming harder

one don't need to be a financial guru to realize the Dollar and fiat in general are losing purchasing power. 1 Dollar can't buy you the same amount of things in few months from now and the depreciation is just way to constant.

REAL MONEY is based upon TRUST, INTEGRITY, TRANSPARENCY. Sadly leaders of FED-TREASURY-WALL ST-MEDIA lack these values. Choose your friends, teachers and $ carefully. I trust G-S-BC. I do not trust Fed-Government-Wall Street-Media. Take care. Stay smart. Trust your values.

The above is one of Roberts't many tweets with Bitcoin in the mix. I feel the truths are being revealed everyday and hour, the challenge for people is who they hang with and their hunger for change. I really wish for the world to understand what Bitcoin means, its potential. It is sad how people are stuck up in old traditional way of doing things.
I am happy to see Robert kiyosaki taking Bitcoin to the world.

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Kiyosaki has been calling the market collapse for many years based on the same things that are happening now. He has a good handle of the overall market shortcomings. I am inclined to agree with him.

Posted Using LeoFinance

He is one of my favorites figure out there. I can't go against is opinion on the Bitcoin subject either.