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RE: My Most Shitty Investment Ever: Ke Xu's ONO

in HODL β€’ 4 years ago (edited)

Omg I was one of the so called "Super Partners", although we weren't as "Super Partners" with Ke Xu as we thought we were πŸ˜‚. I don't mean to make this story about me πŸ˜†, but, man, ONO was for sure the shittiest waste of time I could've involved myself into. I remember being amazed by the project, I just wanted to get involve in it and help it grow. I couldn't believe it when I became one of the "Super Partners", I was so excited. I spent a lot of my time translating information for the spanish speaking community, all for nothing. Ke Xu didn't care about anyone except her and her big scam. I think the only good thing that came out of this shitty experience was that I got to meet some amazing people, the other "Super Partners" πŸ₯°. We were suckers for pain (the ones that didn't quit earlier), we stayed till the very end until the "project" was suddenly shut down. Hey, don't feel bad about the Super Partners program, this experience doesn't make you an untrustworthy person, you were actually the person that got me into learning more about blockchain and everything related to it. I like to look at it this way, this was just one of the many lessons life throws at us. πŸ˜‹

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It was in fact in China that I learned how bad she was. One day she said to me, 'Maybe I'll just fire all the Super Partners." I was shocked and said, "Those are my friends. That's a horrible idea..." AFter that I decided I would quit, as she didn't give a fuck about me or any of us, really.