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RE: 🔍 VOICE - The new social media platform on EOS launched?

in HODL4 years ago

Social media users here on the respective blockchains can be very tribal, though that may be the devs pushing it. Traders also love their little tokens like kids. Hive users may be reluctant to side with the "enemey" at Voice, Larimer yet again providing a supposed platform for free speech. well, we saw what happened to Steemit, it crashed. And EOS is questionable, as is DpoS, even here on Hive. As for the KYC, how free is your speech if you can be targeted for saying it? I am skeptical, but your post has at least garnerd an interest so let's see...


Thanks for your comment @julescape.
My vision is that Social Media 3.0 will take it's place, the path forward can take several years but I think that at some point we'll make the shift.
