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RE: Thinking Percentages Not Nominal Figures

in HODL4 years ago

Comparing fiat with crypto slowly doesn't have a sense... I have a discussion in comments about exactly this, how we compare crypto (more valued asset) with fiat money (losing value every day) and it serves only to raise the value of FIAT money... I mean the importance of it, while it becomes slowly a toilet paper...

I'm joking with my wife when we compare earning on Hive by price of lunch menu in a chinese restaurant... well, I would say that that has more sense than comparing with USD, or EUR... lol...

So, percentages are the best way for crypto accumulation... And HODL... You exchange your most valuable asset ONLY when you are in a big need... And I recognize that pattern between crypto hodlers... That's the right attitude!



Lol It took me a while to figure that out I think we all get into this and then fry our brains trying to do all these damn conversions into fiat, my poor calculator took a beating. I think you're right working on the purchasing power is easier so if I go how many HIVE can buy me X this year vs next year, and If it continues to be better, keep holding on :)

I have enough fiat to live thankfully so it allows me to accumulate, I've actually gone into a bit of frenzy and I know buy Satoshis EVERYDAY and earn some every day. How do you eat this big elephant that is 1 BTC? A little bit at a time