Have a look to the Biggest Assets by market cap...

in HODL3 years ago

I have recently discovered https://assetdash.com/ which ranks the biggest assets by Market cap.
There you can easily identify the big monsters ruling the world economy.
In the top 5 you can see Apple, Microsoft, Amazon or Facebook with markets caps ranging between 2000 BUSD and 780 BUSD.
The total Crypto Market cap, if considered as an asset as a whole, would sit in the 9th place with 465 BUSD.
The most interesting to see is that BITCOIN is currently placed at the 20th.

Scaling positions day after day and with an historical known potential of 800 BUSD it would not be weird seeing BITCOIN among the 5 top assets.

Let's conquer the market!




Interesting... The big difference between those companies and the cryptocurrency markets is that on the companies most of the assets or the money is in the hands of a small group of people while on crypto it is on the hands of many, many people. Of course there are big whales but at least we have a chance to build a good portfolio, there's risk involved but there is plenty of opportunity.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That's true my friend, more distribution, better balance

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Nice site! Thank you for sharing it!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

You are welcome!

Let's also no forget that $100 HIVE will still be only around 2/3 the current marketcap of ETH. HIVE could go up 100,000% and still be worth less than 10% of Facebook. There is so much potential in HIVE. As a payment solution for the future, my bet is Dash. BTC has brand recognition. But Dash actually has features and they have already proven to be able to have VISA level Tx volume with 400 MB blocks.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Agree, it is weird DASH is not rising yet

BTC will be a top 5 by next year. I so much regret not converting all my alts into BTC when their satoshi value was way higher...

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta