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RE: Sport

in Reflections9 months ago

I loved your description of your nephews. I can tell you know him well and love him very much. What is it about nephews that they change our moods so easily. We don't have children either, so we enjoy our nephews very much. By the way, I don't like to say "her nephews" or "my nephews". It's something I hear a lot. But I don't agree with it. They will call both her and me "uncle". So they are "our nieces and nephews."

I like the idea of getting them involved in the sport. Good thing your nephew is like that. In our case, I remember some who got them involved in baseball, and they were doing very well, it helped them work as a team, handle disappointments, and try to get along with others. Of course, everything must be well supervised. They weren't the best, but at least they were able to occupy themselves with something in the afternoons.

That aspect I see as super-important, and even more so coming out of a general quarantine that broke the ties that many children and young people had with their friends. We already know that the experience of these years has altered the ability to socialize in person. Technology had already made its presence felt in infants, and with the quarantine it gained prominence.

In my case, I did not have that joy. I didn't have the opportunity to be involved in sports in the area where I lived. Except for the improvised games in the street when some of us neighbors got together. But I think I would allow my children to do so as long as they know who they are interacting with.

Kudos to parents, like your brother, who make an effort to balance the kids' time. And to the uncles who seek to be present in their lives. Greetings @galenkp


I loved your description of your nephews

My niece and nephew are very important to me.

With sport, it's the participation that counts, the interactions and lessons the kids learn that help shape/prepare them for the the future. It's a pity you didn't have the opportunity to get involved in organised sports as a kid although you seem o have turned out really well so maybe you got the same sort of lessons elsewhere. Good work!

Right, I had the opportunity to develop them elsewhere, although I wasn't the best at it, by the way 🤣. I hope you have a happy day @galenkp

Thanks mate, I hope you have a good day too...not far from the end of the week now...Friday tomorrow and then the weekend! 🙂