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RE: Do Not Engage

in Reflections2 months ago

Scathing criticism of the current dynamics of the media and digital platforms, heh heh heh… I do not justify the irony and hypocrisy in the treatment of freedom of expression and the monetization of content. I am sure that if HIVE does not monetize the content, no one would strive to do their best.

Friend, I find that here in La Colmena, the same thing is done as in the rest of the social networks. Most of what they post they do with the intention of receiving VOTES in favor that represent money. I'm not saying that's the case for you, but would you post and post if the audience voting on your content won't leave you at least $10?

You emphasize that “the pursuit of financial gain has led to a preference for emotional and low-quality content, sacrificing integrity and truthfulness.”

The satire he resorts to on the simplification of mathematics to “1+1=2” is the trivialization of knowledge in the age of rapid information. It is a personal concept, perhaps based on frustration.

A sentence can completely summarize a long content and therefore should not be of low quality:

“Monetization and the search for clicks in the media and digital platforms have sacrificed the quality and truth of journalism for emotional and viral content.”


I am sure that if HIVE does not monetize the content, no one would strive to do their best.

No they would not, which is why we see what we see on social media in general, and what people on social media support in general - not the best.

but would you post and post if the audience voting on your content won't leave you at least $10?

Yes. I have been doing this for almost seven years - if you are interested to scroll back that far, I wasn't getting much for months, if anything. However, I was also able to compete on quality and write at length and detail, so I stood out from most other people who would post short content that can be found on any platform.

E=MC2 is a simple equation - how much background information is required to actually understand it? Short form communication only transmits a lot of information, when the audience is already knowledgeable in a topic. Mass media isn't writing for specialists.

Yes. I have been doing this for almost seven years - if you are interested to scroll back that far, I wasn't getting much for months, if anything. However, I was also able to compete on quality and write at length and detail, so I stood out from most other people who would post short content that can be found on any platform.

Of course, I have checked your blog… But the quality of a piece of writing is not based on “the length of it”. I could write three pages and say nothing, or I could write 300 words and convey a great message. What do we base the quality of a piece of writing on?depends on the audience, and if the idea is to GENERATE PROFITS → keep writing what that audience wants to hear-read…

Firstly, you are sounding more and more bitter as the comments roll.

And secondly, what has "profits" have to do with it? If you write for an audience, you write with them in mind, don't you?

And thirdly, no length doesn't mean quality. However, you failed to recognize the point I made of people posting what can be found in quantity anywhere else. Scarcity has value, and there aren't many people like me on or off the chain ;)

No they would not, which is why we see what we see on social media in general, and what people on social media support in general - not the best.

For whom is it not best? You know the saying “THE CUSTOMER IS ALWAYS RIGHT”. You have your “truth” from your point of view, which is closely related to your personal experience; this does not mean that others do not have “their own truth”. It all depends on the lens through which you look at it… The goal is to reach a wider audience that will generate better rewards, right?

Blessings, my friend @tarazkp.

I work in a Department Store, the idea is logically to sell, for this they reward us with a percentage of sales and other commissions. We literally become psychologists to influence the customer and convince him that what he buys is what he needs. I think it's the same on social media.