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RE: Press the Any Key

in Reflectionslast year

Thanks you for this interesting analysis :)

Completely agree with your points and reflections here. I find that it’s a prodigious tool but indeed not to produce a true, honest and even meaningful opinion! Rather use it for some research and list that would too time taking !

I also thought about building my own, but even if it works, it will be completely irrelevant to right “for me”...


And the lists it creates are generic lists, not opinionated lists, so what is the value in paying for them. It is like a one-size-fits-all piece of clothing - it doesn't mean it looks good :D

it doesn't mean it looks good :D

😂 Indeed !

I'm rather using it for gathering More data and then I do my sorting... For example, I have him make lists of wild edible plants or tables of photographic data (apertures, speeds, etc). But in the end I only use it as a search engine that is improved in some aspects... and almost deficient in others !