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RE: Compassion and clarity

in Reflections3 months ago

I have also been very self-critical of myself and have pushed myself to the limit and therefore been very hard on myself. I had a lot of demands from my mother and grandmother when I was a child and I followed the same steps and applied them on myself.

Time, as it happened to you, taught me that I should understand myself and not be so hard on myself, take care of myself more and have compassion for myself, although it is not an easy task.

Hugs Becca❤️


There's a time to be critical and to judge oneself honestly, however it needs to be for the right reasons and handled in the right way otherwise it can be destructive and have long-term implications.

Becca 🌷

At one time I was destructive to myself, but now I balance it and that's the important thing, to have learned.

Thank you Becca.❤️