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RE: Discursive

in Reflections2 months ago

floccinaucinihilipilificación??? Honestly I had to google it .... I had no idea that word existed!!! But now I know what it means!

I tell you something, I have a small group here and one of us is .... knows a lot, he's like a nerd? He knows a lot about numbers and statistics and stuff, but he doesn't know how to explain it to others. So he explains it to me and I explain it to the rest.

The fact that I've been teaching very old people for so long made me learn how to get through to people, how to explain something and have it instantly understood. An example: he made a 21 min video, I explained it in a 5 min audio.


They say, you can't teach an old dog new tricks, but it seems you're doing it!

Knowing a lot doesn't mean knowing how to teach.... everyone with their own skills, I'm like a translator.🤣