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RE: Representation

in Reflections2 months ago

I don't really fancy social gatherings. Hehe, I believe in staying on my bed rather than going out. However, in a situation such as this, I try my possible best to be who I truly am, which is why I agree with this statement.

We don't all represent a company or organisation but we all represent ourselves every day and how we do that has implications on us and others.

No matter what, I believe we should always try to represent ourselves well, not because of what people will say but because of us. Our individual self and self-respect which you mentioned.


I agree, the benefits of representing ourselves well are huge, not least of which is self respect. It also helps to open and nurture better relationships and other benefits arise from them as well.

Yes, that's right. Our attitude speaks a lot, and we don't know where we might get to meet those people again. So, I do agree.