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RE: Moments Of Life

in Reflections7 months ago

Life is almost never a bed of roses. Sometimes, we just get strong enough to bear with the thorns.

"Drop in the ocean" - a phrase I live by now. It doesn't take much to make a difference in someone's life, and it feels good to do good. It all accumulates, and the ocean of positive feelings and work becomes bigger. Sad to hear about the bus story...almost unrelatable.

I have received a lot of good, from strangers, from hivers, from you, and I love giving back as much as I can. It makes life so much least to me.


"Drop in the ocean" is the right expression, and all those drops together form the ocean, if we all do our part.

We're on the same page with the topic, I know how much you help all the time, giving up what it's yours, just to help others and that speaks volume about you. It's the right way in my opinion and I hope others will follow. Every little bit helps. No act of kindness is too small.