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RE: Representation

in Reflections2 months ago

I try to do the best I can when I am in situations like that. Sometimes I don't have much of a filter. Sometimes it just depends if it is the sort of function where liquid courage is involved. It breaks down some walls that maybe shouldn't be fully broken down sometimes. That's the reason that my wife and I don't typically go to after hours work functions. I was just at a conference a couple of weeks ago and I agree with you about the importance of canoodling. Many times the networking with others is more valuable than anything you might learn from a speaker in a single session.


I never (extremely rarely) drink alcohol at these functions, I like to stay sharp and allow others not to be so sharp as they consume more alcohol...they say things they probably shouldn't and I gain valuable intel that I can use later in in business dealings with them. Sneaky? Nah, that's what my organisation pays me for. 😊

That makes a lot of sense. I don't really go to functions like this often and the ones I do go to others are usually a bit more off the wagon than me. I probably still say somethings I shouldn't occasionally.

Lol, we have all been there done that...I learned from it though, made sure I learned the skills of how to keep other people talking rather than talk overly much's paid incredible dividends over the years.