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RE: Blind luck or by design

in Reflections2 months ago

Wow, that is quite fortuitous for a flight. Especially these days when they are basically packing everyone in like cattle to make as much money as possible. I think you can definitely put yourself in a position to receive more favorable outcomes. I think a lot of people focus solely on money when they are talking about luck and that quite honestly gives luck in general a bad reputation. I'm not the guy who is going to win the lottery or many of the sports bets I place, but I beat cancer, I have a good job and a woman who loves me, both our parents are still on this planet and a regular presence in our lives, and we have a small group of friends to share time with. If that's not lucky, I don't know what is.


Yep, it certainly depends on how one looks at it and what a person counts as important to them when it comes to determining if one is lucky or not. You sum it up well, have a good handle on what you count as luck in your own life.

Chance plays a hand in everyone's life and one must know when to accept it and when a little more input might be needed.

That's also a good point you make. Perspective goes a long way in your ability to handle the things that life throws at you.