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RE: Press the Any Key

in Reflectionslast year

I've been saying for a while now that I don't really feel like ChatGPT is actual AI. At least not the machine learning piece of it. It isn't learning anything, it is just regurgitating. Which I guess opens up a new (or old depending how you look at it) conversation about the education system and if just memorizing rote facts is actually learning. I think it is impressive for sure, but nowhere close to where a lot of people think we are in terms of AI. I'd posit that the computers that predict the weather are closer to AI than ChatGPT. They are at least learning patterns and applying that to future models/forecasts.


Yep. It is a regurgitator, but because most people do the same at a lower level, they are impressed by what it spews out. Most do not think for themselves.

I've read quite a bit of content from it and I do think it does a good job of summarizing concepts, but a lot of the stuff is just too generic to be useful. Some of these AI price predictions for future crypto prices is a perfect example. It basically does everything it can to avoid the question.

"I am not giving financial advice"