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RE: You Did You

in Reflections6 months ago

I don't think I could handle dating these days. I didn't do very well at it back in the day, I'd be screwed now! I've never really seen the appeal of watching hours and hours of YouTube, but my wife and I do struggle to get through a two hour movie. Not so much due to our attention spans, but due to all the other life stuff going on. Between laundry, pouring new drinks, and the dog having to go out every half hour, it takes 4 hours to get through a 2 hour movie!


I was fine at dating, once I learned how to do it. However, I am pretty discerning on who I am going to get into bed with, so it also meant I didn't need to go on too many dates. Also, people seem to find people on apps that they have a lot in common with, and I think this is a mistake to some degree.

We hardly watch any movies now for the same reason. We have maybe an hour a night where we can watch, so a movie doesn't cut it.

Yes, I would probably be pretty discerning too. Hopefully, I don't have to worry about it anyway. I agree on the stuff in common thing. You need some shared interests and some that are all your own. Otherwise it's just boring.

People need to have some level of sameness, for that balance and so not at each other's throats. But, people seem to be looking to date a sibling these days... Maybe it is the Game of thrones influence :D

Haha, that has disaster written all over it! For a multitude of reasons.