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RE: Where are you Pointing?

in Reflections6 months ago

The celebration of the date of the so-called new year is anyway fake cause it is just a moment of time which we globally agreed upon. It is another fiction, an illusion that we live through so I do not take it seriously. I make my resolutions every day. Giving up on things is a virtue, especially today when everything is offered on the plate & you just need to reach out & grab it. But it is never free! That is the law of this dirty pyramidal scheme capitalism system which doesn't care of any being, not even human, but cares only about the profit of the multinational companies behind which the owners are hidden & sucking on the energy that the humanoid worker bees generate & produce. Pure matrix.
Being conscious of these facts of the system illusion we're forced to live in, gives us a chance to become free. Giving up & letting go of thousands unnecessary things & toxic people gives your freedom back. Not shopping like a greedy delusional maniac also gives less support to the top of the pyramid.
I personally gave up meat for years, alcohol, other drugs, smoking & many other bad habits for months, which also are having negative effect on the environment & not only me. Giving up on these habits & toxicity makes a lot of space in my life for practicing yoga, healing myself, learning about many forgotten knowledges of our true connection with Mother Nature & other human beings, upgrading myself to the real higher levels of awareness & consciousness... So, the conclusion is that giving up on various unnecessary bullshit improves our lives in general!
The asceticism was/is always a very welcomed virtue!
Good luck with your transformation & you wrote it already about time - it's an illusion which we agreed upon - so you do not need special dates to make a resolution! You can do it anytime/anyplace!
What better place than here, what better place than now!