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RE: Sport

in Reflections9 months ago

It’s great to see the progress of the little tacker and how he’s similar to my son but also different in his own ways, as my son is in his. They are relatively close in age, with mine being a bit older.

They certainly do things at their own pace and excel where they can which is great. Lego is such a crucial building block for their brains and it’s great to see their creativity come to life when they’re building them and playing with them. Biking is a great one! I like the high speed nature of it, when they do it early it improves their reaction times over others who don’t do that type of stuff and instead play video games (which I recently saw that does have cognitive benefits for reaction times and awareness but that’s mainly related to first person shooter types) instead.

I think there’s a number of benefits of all these things and team sports is another good one. The challenge is the commitment for us, to be on the schedule of practice and games. That does also teach consistency and routine though which I know is an important thing to have.


Lego is such a great teacher, and fun too.

My nephew will be doing some first-person shooting, but not on a TV screen, I mean in real life as I begin to get him onto my guns.

Yeah my son has asked me a few times about mine but it’s still too early. We are going to get him a BB gun for Christmas potentially and start there. My neighbor is a cop and loves my son and said he will take him under his wing for shooting when he gets older.

There's a right time.

Most cops don't know how to shoot...hopefully your neighbour does. Lol.