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RE: Child Electric

in Reflections6 months ago

It’s horrible but people are in for a fucking RUDE awakening in about 15 years when this generation right now is completely inept and incapable of many things basic humans can do. It’s going to be very difficult and at the same time it’s also going to be a great opportunity for those that are competent and capable of doing what we right now consider basic shit.

I’m more pleased that we took away the iPad from our son than ever. His mood has improved, attention, play and all that. He’s thankfully not been a little zombie like many other kids but we saw negative changes in him and took a bit of doing but we got him away from that damn thing. Now he’s far better at occupying himself when need be with Lego, digging in a container of dirt and stuff. Normal boy things. A sigh of relief for sure lol.

I’m glad that your daughter is one of the competent ones! Oi vey


It’s horrible but people are in for a fucking RUDE awakening in about 15 years when this generation right now is completely inept and incapable of many things basic humans can do

I believe so. Perhaps society will adjust to accommodate - but what does that society look like?

I am glad we never got into screens at all for Smallsteps. She watches some shows on the weekends now, but it is for an hour two max.