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RE: Stitched together

in Reflections6 months ago

My friend, I really liked your reflection, and I'm going to give you my opinion. Although I have little time for everything involving Hive, I always make room for it. The best example is that a few months ago, I stopped creating (during that time, I lost some "followers"/friends like you), but there wasn't a day when I didn't want to return to Hive. There was something inside me that often made me think about coming back. Many times, I was in the mountains or on a beach, and when I had a moment, I read some of your texts or those of other creators I value. Every day, I had the idea of returning. I realized that in Hive, there is human quality (of course, there are also bad apples), but here, I have met incredible people from my city whom I wouldn't have known if it weren't for Hive. I have met people from other countries who teach me from economics to their daily lives. I entered Hive for the money I could make (I won't deny it), but I realized that the hive is much more important than the money itself, and I believe this is what keeps us together. Many of us no longer even maintain social networks, yet every day, we comment (maybe we're obsessed with Ecency points 😂). With it being a more personal interaction, I think we all connect more. It's not like other platforms where speculation is the most important.

I hope I've made my point clear, and although this is my opinion, I respect those who distance themselves and choose other paths, for that is life and freedom.


I remember that hiatus you took, no harm in it really, although losing followers often happens.

I'm not surprised you have found something beyond magic internet money on Hive and I think (with the exception of the idiots) there's many people out there with like-minded ideas, that is, the desire to engage, learn about others and their cultures or experiences and to participate on deeper levels. You've clearly found such people.

You made valid points and they were clear, I also feel that your interactions are genuine and heartfelt which is why I interact with you - Those that interact with me for the vote they may get are easy to spot.