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RE: Press the Any Key

in Reflectionslast year

I has to deal with this very issue this week. As content Manager, I have a single long-form writer to provide our paid content and I edit it. However, he was away on vacation this past week leaving me without a writer to handle any new assignments and of course, the Tuesday I received some new assignments. With permission from my director, I used ChatGPT with 5 different writing prompts to come up with long-fork copy similar to what I would get from my writer.

Then I aggregated the similar content and went about editing the article to get the tone and phrasing more in line with the way we publish. I wa unfamiliar with the topic source, so I had no clue about plagiarism. But I felt like I did a good enough job editing the content so that it felt much more like something of my own work than an article generated by AI. To me, it just felt like a much more elaborate search engine, that summarized the answer in complete sentences and thoughts instead of passing me an encyclopedia e try and making me do the processing myself. But at the very least I've finally opened Pandora's Box (at work) and there is no way to keep it closed...