Self Limitation [Eng-Esp]

in Reflections10 months ago (edited)
At a point in my life, I had a reflection on my childhood. I was curious to know how my childhood programming was, the only thing I remembered was that I was not allowed to work because of an illness I suffered from birth. People could have mistaken me for a spoiled child. While others worked, I was allowed to just sit and watch and this affected me later in life. The first impact it left on me was the area of self limitation, I was afraid to do anything new. I felt I couldn't do it, and this made me withdraw myself from learning anything new or trying out a new task.

While I was denied to engage in some tasks in my childhood, I was only given tasks that I was already familiar with. I became more comfortable with doing familiar tasks than trying out a new one. I became afraid of failure and wanted just something I could confidently do without chances of failure. All these became my limitations. I was already defeated inwardly before trying out a new task. My regular word was "I can't", I didn't want anything that could pull me out of my comfort zone and I wasn't ready to be ridiculed. I preferred it safe, risk wasn't what I was taught.

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But as years went by, comfort only gave me stagnation. While I felt I couldn't, others I've assumed I did better than took the bow and did it. Over time I realized I've been the author and engineer of my limitations and stagnation.. I saw myself differently from how people saw me and this called for a rethink. I lost opportunities for growth because I was scared to pull out from my comfort zone and to feel the sting of failure. Now I know better to rather fail while trying than fail to try.

Daily I stand before a mirror and redefine myself. I tell myself all that I want to be, encouraging myself to fail and keep failing until I've made mastery of whatever I'm learning. I'm no longer held by limitations of age, educational background, childhood programming, parental upbringing, negative vibes. I tell myself I'm a conqueror and I remember this always. I may have been stagnant for a long time, but I'm now a van with no brake, I'm unstoppable.


En un momento de mi vida, tuve una reflexión sobre mi infancia. Tenía curiosidad por saber cómo era mi programación infantil, lo único que recordaba era que no me dejaban trabajar por una enfermedad que padecía desde que nací. La gente podría haberme confundido con un niño mimado. Mientras otros trabajaban, a mí me permitían simplemente sentarme y mirar y esto me afectó más adelante en la vida. El primer impacto que me dejó fue el área de autolimitación, tenía miedo de hacer algo nuevo. Sentí que no podía hacerlo y esto me hizo abstenerme de aprender algo nuevo o de intentar una nueva tarea.

Si bien me negaron participar en algunas tareas durante mi infancia, sólo me asignaron tareas con las que ya estaba familiarizado. Me sentí más cómodo realizando tareas familiares que probando una nueva. Tenía miedo al fracaso y quería algo que pudiera hacer con confianza y sin posibilidades de fracasar. Todo esto se convirtió en mis limitaciones. Ya estaba derrotado interiormente antes de intentar una nueva tarea. Mi palabra habitual era "no puedo", no quería nada que pudiera sacarme de mi zona de confort y no estaba lista para ser ridiculizada. Preferí lo seguro, el riesgo no fue lo que me enseñaron.

Fuente de la foto

Pero con el paso de los años, el consuelo sólo me produjo estancamiento. Si bien sentí que no podía, otros asumí que lo hice mejor que tomar la reverencia y hacerlo. Con el tiempo me di cuenta de que he sido autora e ingeniera de mis limitaciones y estancamiento. Me veía diferente a cómo me veía la gente y esto requería un replanteamiento. Perdí oportunidades de crecimiento porque tenía miedo de salir de mi zona de confort y sentir el dolor del fracaso. Ahora sé que es mejor fracasar al intentarlo que no intentarlo.

Diariamente me paro frente a un espejo y me redefino. Me digo a mí mismo todo lo que quiero ser, animándome a fracasar y seguir fracasando hasta dominar todo lo que estoy aprendiendo. Ya no estoy limitado por la edad, la formación académica, la programación infantil, la educación de los padres ni las vibraciones negativas. Me digo a mí mismo que soy un conquistador y lo recuerdo siempre. Puede que haya estado estancado durante mucho tiempo, pero ahora soy una furgoneta sin freno, soy imparable.

Actualmente estoy tomando una clase para aprender español, no dudes en dar tu opinión sobre mi traducción.


Can you please keep your posts here mostly in English and not dual language, as per the rules.

Oh, alright. Next time. Thanks for the notice

This is a great one. Thank Goodness you redefined yourself popped in from #dreemport

I needed to, it gets to a point when one has to.


Limiting ourselves can make use loose a lot of wonderful opportunities because we think we are not good enjoy or we cant do it. It's ok to make mistakes and learn from them. It's good that you were able to bring yourself out of it.


I believe everyone who desires growth would certainly want a rethink at a point in his/her life. Thanks for your comment

Exactly, you are welcome.

Brutal :)

Some things need brutality

Limitations had a way of making us feel we really can't do anything, am glad you were able to redefine yourself. Well done 👍


Yeah, there's a lot self limitations can do

This was quite inspiring to read.
It's my first time coming across instances where people rethink their childhood. It's crazy because in the moment when you weren't allowed to work while others did, you probably liked it or didn't mind. But in the long run you didn't know it was going to affect you so vastly. Well it's never too late to change and get on the right path in life.

Now I think there are some aspects of my life that I definitely need to rethink and change.
Nice reflections though, thanks for sharing with us.

Rightly said. Most people hardly do the rethink, but for someone who desires growth, it's important. Thanks for sharing your thoughts

Quite a shift in your life, and a necessary one at that. And it's a really good thing you took a stand to make changes to begin to explore your potentials. There's never grown in stagnation.

Indeed there's never grown in stagnation.. This realization comes when you notice how far others with and after you had gone and there's no achievement in your end

Honestly I am motivated by this post. I have a personal experience to share too in this regard. I also had a parenting and health issue that made me restrictive while growing up. Though I have achieved so much today. There is no end to reflections. Its our call to reflect all the time so we can get better.

Glad you've been able to breakout and achieve something

I am really glad to have Broken through. It's like someone dying within.

That was quite deep, it wasn't really your fault from the onset. I as a parent won't put you under stress despite knowing you have a health challenge.

Although it had a negative impact on you but it was the best they could do but as you grew, you realised that you could do better and went for it.

I came through Dreemport

Yeah, I understand they had thought as parents but it was an awakening on my end. Thank you for your thoughtful comment

The daily affirmation are a really great way to boost self-confidence. This was an interesting reflection.


Daily affirmation to some level help us stay firm and dedicated. Everyone need this at one point

You're very right.

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There comes a time we would start reflecting on our lives and realising a lot of things we couldn't try just because of limitation, then we start to think of getting out of our comfort zones and that is when we could understand those things we can do, but just that we have limited ourselves to certain things.

That's true, most times we are the author of our limitations

Most times the fear of the unknown will always hold one captive but thank God you have conquered the fear.

Yeah, really grateful for it

Yay! 🤗
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