A Road Trip: Endless Possibilities!

in Reflections24 days ago (edited)

This is in response to an initiative of @ericvancewalton, to make us walk down memory lane and relive those moments long gone, keeping them alive for our future generations.

Here's the link

In a year from now you’ll have a legitimate memoir that you can pass along to future generations of your family. But what I really hope is it provides a valuable glimpse into your inner self.

This week’s Memoir Monday question:

What's your favorite way to travel and your most memorable trip?

My answer:

Apart from a few international journeys where I have had to travel by air, most of my trips have been within my country and my favourite way of getting to my destinations have been by traveling by road, it remains my preference, anytime. Maybe it is that sense of freedom and adventure that it gladly offers.

I comfortably settle by the window, my favourite place and look out into the vast expanse of the horizon, there's something magical about watching the World go by from the window of a moving vehicle, the ever-changing landscapes, interesting sights spotted along the way , Nature's captivating treasures, lush forests, tranquil lakes, mountains and valleys, breathtaking sceneries, all these are just a few perks of being on a road trip.

Another perk is the exotic restaurants offering delicious foods and sparkling red or white wine dotting the highways, infact there's always something to enjoy by the way of sight and taste.😊

My most memorable trip was a few years back when I travelled to our Capital City to visit a relative of mine, that was when I realized that my country was a very beautiful one.

I was first impressed with the driver of the vehicle, a very polite and easy going guy (a rarity in that profession), who made sure I was settled in comfortably, right at my corner of the window, with ample space and ventilation. 3 young men and 3 ladies in the car, we had tons of topics to discuss and argue about.

I entered Abuja before it was dark, a very excellent journey with very exciting co-passengers. It was a serene place, so unlike the usual hustle and bustle associated with other Cities and I fell in love with the neatness and orderliness too.

My stay with my cousin was awesome, we visited many fun places and spent wonderful moments together.

Traveling is an essential part of our lives, it could be job-related or for special occasions, or just for leisure, but for whatever reason, you can make it a most memorable one.

Photo is mine.

Thank you @ericvancewalton for memoirmonday.

I am @edith-4angelseu and thank you for stopping by my neighbourhood.


As you say traveling is part of our life, and I also believe that as you say, trips can be unforgettable occasions in our life.

Best regards @edith-4angelseu