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RE: Blind luck or by design

in Reflections2 months ago

No, I don't believe in luck but I do believe that destiny does have a role to play in a man's life( though most times, they are interchangeably used, but the place of HARD WORK and PROPER PLANNING cannot be overemphasized. The reason I say destiny has a role is because of what happened to me years back. I had gone for an interview but I wasn't selected and I really was disappointed because I had given it my best shot. Two months later, while I was roaming around for another job, I got a strange SMS from that same place, asking me to resume immediately. I felt it was a mistake but it wasn't.
I later discovered that the person who was employed in my stead was very sick and had been rushed to a Teaching Hospital and would be there for God knows how long, (hey I'm not happy all that happened)... It was later confirmed that I was a better person for the job but was chosen because he was a relative of my boss).
That job came with an accomodation and a juicy allowance which helped me tide through some financial problems I was having at that time. That job also gave me an opportunity to become a better person.
I would say that though I deserved that job, it was taken away but destiny gave it back.


That's a good story.

Some things in life just seem to work out and there's no explanation for it other than chance, destiny and so on. It's good when that happens but sitting back and doing nothing, relying on chance to play a hand, doesn't seem a very good way to go misty, a person must put some effort in to get a result in life, in my opinion.

The two working together seems a good compromise I guess.