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RE: We Can't Get No

in Reflections8 months ago

In my country we run a mixed economy that means private system of education runs along side the public ones, but the private ones seems to be doing better in terms of facilities, quality teachers, great environment for learning off course you should know you'd pay higher for that...

My daughter has just started her first year of school, and it is already apparent that there is a very large disparity between child skillsets. Some can read, some write, and some like Smallsteps, are doing math problems. However, she goes into a class where they have spent a session learning how to write a particular letter number. Everyone is getting the same education, but is it valuable for everyone?

Glad to know your daughter her first year, congratulations to her, same her in my country the new academic year just started and all kids are back to school, talking about those skillset that's why knowing your child's teacher in person is really good, cause you need to be aware of the quality of knowledge she's transfering is it worth your money, even tho they are ahead your daughter can caught and the teacher should be able to distinguish each child's ability and help groom them.


The private schools get more funding, plus raise a lot more money in most countries. In Finland, it doesn't matter much, it is largely the same.

Yah that's true