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RE: Moments Of Life

in Reflections8 months ago

Random acts of kindness keep the world turning in the right direction. I've also helped people in the last while and it never gets old. It restores my faith in humanity when I'm on the receiving end and it cements it when I'm on the giving side.

I recently got into an altercation on Hive and it was about that exactly - some users are just here to be painful and cause discontent. Others are always trying in whatever way they can to help the community as a whole.

As with all things in life, there's always two sides to the coin and that's just human nature. Unfortunately.


Random acts of kindness keep the world turning in the right direction.

I couldn't have said it better, how true! And you're also right about the coin having two sides. We have the same people on Hive we have in real life and they act the same I guess. I truly hope the good overwrites the bad though.