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RE: Stitched together

in Reflections6 months ago

Good morning Galen my experience is the following: I come from another social network, the first one I have been on, which I left because it consumed what I considered a lot of time of my life and it was not contributing much to me. If I stayed longer, it was because of some of the people I interacted with on it. I said goodbye to it a few months ago leaving a post thanking all the people I met on it. Of the supposed almost 1000 followers I left only one person bothered to keep in touch with me. She was the one who brought me to Hive and afterwards we had the opportunity to talk sometime, I got to know her voice, and she turned out to be as wonderful as I imagined her to be on the web. In Hive, for some reason, I have found very generous people who have helped me, without asking me for anything, almost since I started to make some comments. That's what encouraged me to post something, it's a way to give back to Hive and to those special people I have found here what they have given me. Now I have breakfast with Hive which is quite better than doing it with t.v. news. This is my story. A very big greeting.


It's amazing the time people will invest to scrolling a feed on social media and how little time they invest into creating genuine and lasting connections in the real world. I think the other social media platforms rely on such people.

I'm glad to hear you've had a nice introduction to Hive and that you feel you've found a place of comfort; it's also nice that you've managed to find some good people along the way and been the recipient of their help which you seem very grateful for.

It's a nice place to connect, to find and interact with like-minded people and those that may not have similar interests but whose values align with your own and you find common ground in respect of thoughts, values, ethos and other such things.

I hope you have a nice day. My work day is finished although I'll work on a little, maybe a couple more hours before dinner. All the best.

Thank you very much Galen. And now, in a few minutes, my working day begins hahaha! Have a great afternoon