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RE: Blind luck or by design

in Reflections2 months ago

Hi Galen, several hours thinking about an answer. It's clear that waiting for luck to solve our lives doesn't make any sense, although I suppose there are people waiting for luck. It is clear that achievements depend on our actions. But, if I have a very big but, the place of birth is not chosen and this also influences our life. For example, I am sure that being born in Western Europe has been lucky for me. Had I been born in other places in the world, my life would surely have been more difficult and my possibilities of choice less. Yet, in difficult circumstances, leaving things to chance can have only one result: making life even more complicated. A hug


I use the place of birth scenario in another comment to demonstrate that chance or luck plays a part in life. I could have been born in a economically poor country and my life would have been different, but was born in an affluent country instead. It didn't guarantee I'd be successful, I needed to put in work and effort for that, but it helped being born where I was.

I think it's an interesting topic really, and certainly believe that luck or chance influence life greatly, but should not be relied upon.

Hi Galen, little more to add to your comment, just wish you a great Friday, best regards.