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RE: Plain and simple

in Reflections9 months ago

You have no idea how much truth is in what you're saying. It's valid on everything in life.

I realised somewhere in that little tinkering-thinkering session that life is exactly like this too. We are like this. If you don't keep things orderly and maintain things properly, they rust and corrode. If you don't look after your mind, body, heart and soul, they too, will decay. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Sure, you can sand the rust off, but the damage is still there.

This is gold Emma! Well said. Lesson to keep in mind.


Thank you @erikah. I appreciate that, I have these weird epiphany moments sometimes. Sorry for the very late reply, I was out in the middle of nowhere with no connectivity. Sometimes it's the remedy to all the craziness during the week. Hope you had a good one.

No worries Emma, we all have our real lives to live. I'm glad you had some time to recharge your batteries.

It did wonders, thanks. I think everyone needs that every now and again. Hope you are doing ok on your side of the world 🙂

Trying to get through the problems life i creating, but I'm ok thanks 😃