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RE: Time And Money

in Reflectionslast month

However, I cannot really agree with you on the statement that people can never have enough money and / or time in their lives.

This depends heavily on who you are, where you live and so on. I personally am 50/50 on this, meaning I can have enough money, greed is not something you can say about me, but time is a different matter for several reasons.

You're right, I know people from other continents live a simple life and they are happy. I admire them, but somehow I can't see myself living that lifestyle.

It's perfectly ok to disagree. We are all different and this is why this world is so colorful.

Thanks for the nice comment, for tipu as well. Have a nice day my friend, I hope Flora and family are ok 😊


I think one of the biggest gifts one can get is being able to be happy with what you have :) And this is something people in the (materialistically) rich and (technologically) advanced countries often lack. Being grateful for what they have. Cause the environment constantly forces them to want more.

My pleasure Erika. Have a lovely day yourself too :)