Staying True: Overcoming Peer Pressure with Strength

in Reflections5 months ago

To my understanding, peer group is a group of people you grow up together within the age circle, it may be friends from school, church, neighbors, and so on.


When talking about peer pressure, the pressure is always getting wesser every day, and comparison begins to set in from different angles, seeing your mate doing things and you wish to do it but you have no capacity or power to do it can be so frustrating and it can push you to do what you do not like.

I recalled when my mother called me last time and started telling me about who is getting married, she was telling me this because she knows that everyone in my age circle is no longer single, I understand her but I believe this is my decision to make and comparing me with others will never make me feel desperate to do what is not best for me.

Social media is one of the problems we are facing, people tend to live fake lives on social media, and people will always fall for it and want to copy their lifestyle, I stopped attending my school's alumni program because most people are coming to flaunt their achievements, wealth and want to rub it in people's face who are lower to them in terms of level, while some are there with genuine intention.

Some years back I met one of my school mates at the bank, she was holding an iPhone with her husband, we greeted and she was talking and showing off her iPhone telling me how much her husband bought it while I was using Android, I did as if I never noticed that part, later I heard from another person that she is no more with the husband because the husband lost his job and this lady can never manage with the man, so she left the marriage and moved on with another man who is capable of taking good care of her.

Some ladies are not real even some men as well, having this type of people who are always flaunting their achievements or rubbing it on your faces is something we should run from, I do avoid people who I know on social media because whenever I start to check your status there is one spirit that will always pop up to tell me that this person doesn't have two heads, why is your own different, I know most of my classmates that are doing better than I am even most of them are not in the country anymore but I see some that I am better than but I will never judge anyone.

Peer pressure can lead to mental instability, and it can make someone depressed, the negative effects are more than the positive effects in this generation because no one is ready to help, some of them prefer you beg from them than to help you with true intentions, people now love it when you call them for help and they neglect you even some will see your calls and hiss at it, It is not everyone you grow together have the spirit to help, some of them have the spirit of mockery and want to showcase it when they see you.

This is my entry for today's topic of inleo community prompt, #Aprilinleo if you wish to join this month contest then click on this HERE


Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Greetings friend, fidelity helps the group, they are so close to each other that they form an invincible team. Being faithful is the most important thing an admirable individual has.

Even before social media what a person is and what they show has never been congruent. Here people would buy mansions and cars all without money and on leases just to show they are doing very well. So people take loans to have lavish weddings to portray success. I find all of it useless. I fight with imposter syndrome all the time. Typically this is not good and I am working on it. However, in the scenario of comparison it is great because I never feel upset when people showoff. After all, I already feel I cannot be like them, so why get sad about it :) Also being on the internet since the mid-90s I have an automatic buffer against believing that a slice of life reflects their entire life.

Rather than feeling upset or angry, as I grow older, I feel sorry for them. I am sure they have gone through many pains of their own. But instead of being vulnerable and opening up where we could help they have to be sad alone so that they can show a smiling face outside.

I found that as long as I am fairly honest and open I will end up with a tribe of my own, even if just 2-3 people. That's all someone needs at times :)

cheers from a #dreemerforlife

Peer pressure is everywhere ma, these days I reduce my activities on social inorder to stay away from things like this. You may say you don't care but deep inside you know you are hurt. The effects of peer pressure is too great, one just have to learn to look away.

I came across this post on Dreemport

Majority of us have had our own fair share of peer pressure and it's one hell of an experience.

It is a rite of passage worth celebrating the moment it is overcome.

Congratulations for developing a thick skin and not being easily intimidated.
