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RE: Blind luck or by design

in Reflections2 months ago

Luck is mysterious and capricious, a phenomenon that often surprises us with its unexpected twists and turns, but can luck be the key to our destiny or just mere chance in the path of our lives, how could we define something as intangible and subjective as luck? Ever since I was a child I have wondered if good or bad luck really exists or if it is simply an excuse we have created to justify the things that happen to us.

I believe that luck is a cosmic energy that flows through the universe looking for those who are in a state of mind ready to receive it.


Capricious, what a great word that is huh?

Anyway, luck can certainly be fickle and unpredictable (which is why you used the word capricious) and it's not something I'm comfortable to reply upon. I prefer to take a more active and assertive role in my own life...although I understand that luck sometimes dictates, good or bad, too.