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RE: Press the Any Key

AI might be useful for cooking. I wrote ,,herring with mushrooms recipe''. It responded with

Herring and mushrooms are a tasty combination. Begin by heating oil in a skillet and sautéing cleaned mushrooms on medium-high heat. Cook until softened. Crisp up herring fillets on both sides in the same skillet. Serve the dish topped with the cooked mushrooms. Delicious!

,,herring with orange recipe''

This tangy, flavorful dish is sure to please. Start by stirring-frying herring fillets in a pan with a bit of oil for about four minutes. Add freshly sliced oranges and cook until the oranges are just beginning to soften. Sprinkle with herbs like parsley, oregano, or thyme, and season with salt and pepper to taste. Serve with a side of potatoes or a bright green salad. Enjoy!

Seems a bit more to the point and shorter than google search. Well that might be a good or bad thing depending on opinion.


Yes. So as a search engine, it might be okay - as a creator, not so okay. Can it make a recipe that tastes great, but has never been made before?