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RE: Blind luck or by design

in Reflections2 months ago
  • don't think a person should put their desired outcomes in lucks hands, it's too risky, too hit and miss, and a person is better off to actively work towards the outcomes they desire; in that way one can apply more control, steer the ship so to speak, rather than simply be a passenger.

You're right because luck could be good luck or bad luck. For me, I don't want to use good luck to other people but rather God bless where all the things they do are guided by God. @galenkp


Yep, or luck might not even play a hand and then nothing will happen at all.

Yes. Luck is commonly abused by lazy people. They always depend on luck rather than work for that luck. 😊
Thank you for sharing your thoughts. It seems that you're good in advices. 😁 @galenkp