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RE: Blind luck or by design

in Reflections2 months ago

No worries, I don't read it and don't use translators, so I just responded in Māori to let you know.

Visualisation, seeing the things one wants to achieve or attain, is very powerful and helps a person to find it a little easier to do the work required to actually achieve those things.

On the luck thing, lucky charms, clothing and so on...I see nothing wrong with that if it provides some motivation to act. Doing those things and taking no action is not going to be very successful though, in my opinion.


I imagine that Maori is not a very well known language, I had to look it up with St. Google.🙂

I wish I could be sharper with my visualizations, maybe it's just a matter of logical reasoning.

As for some garments as amulets those were very casuistic and fun to wear.

Thank you for your kindness when you respond so well to everyone.

I'm sure, with practice, you can become better at visualisation, in the meantime don't be hard on yourself, lean into it and keep creating the life you wish to have.