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RE: Blind luck or by design

in Reflections2 months ago

I don't think I'm lucky or blessed, not in the true sense of the words anyway. I work for what I achieve, always have, and that helps me to respect it more and to value the reward for effort ethos generally.

Luck does come into play at times i think, good fortune maybe, but at the end of the day I prefer to take my life into my own hands and drive it in the directions I wish it to go, that means physically, mentally and emotionally.

Like you say, push hard, work hard and don't lay blame when it goes wrong, adjust and repeat.


No doubt luck does have a factor in play at times and I often stir clear of those things that require luck to be involved. Maybe that's why I'm into arithmetic since 1+1 surely equates to 2 right? Hahaha! 😅

Taking control, putting in the work, and adapting when things don't go as planned are valuable principles. Success often comes from effort and perseverance, with a touch of luck playing a role. Keep pushing forward and staying true to your values! 💪

When I went to school 1+1=2...for sure, anything more difficult and I struggled though.

Hahaa I'm sure you can do better that that, 2+2 maybe?
Good to be back chatting with you 😁

Oh yeah, 2+2 is easy, but much more...well, I have to break our the calculator.

Understandable with the reliance of tech nowadays, no one cares for doing it the hard way like using the abacus? 😂

I use my fingers...and can count to ten like a bloody champ!

In a bid to not over rely on tech, I sometimes rely on my toes as well when I need some extra help! 😂