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RE: Shootin' shit

in Reflections6 months ago

Yep, mostly we do...except for entitled whingers who think having a cry may get them something the (probably) don't at all deserve. A brave face goes a long way however I interact with a lot of people whose brave face sometimes doesn't work out so well, ends in tragedy, and so I think there's a right time to remove it, to let others in a little and that's what this chap did with me - He needed it which I think you'd agree with if I spoke openly about the situation.

That instantly better feeling is common to most of us, myself included, and sometimes that lightening of the load by sharing it is all it takes to help clear away some of the mist for clearer vision/thought/attitude, and that helps move things forward, generally speaking.

Thanks for your nice comment, I try to be a good friend to those who have earned it and have a lot of capacity to's one of my qualities that I like the most.


Oh, I totally agree that there's a right time to remove it, and honestly it doesn't matter what he was struggling with... we all need some support, no man is an island, etc. Honestly, I truly think that accepting help when offered and needed is one of the strongest and most mature things anyone can do.

Aussie men particularly struggle with mental health because we've built ourselves a culture that doesn't embrace sharing hard things. Or doesn't want to burden others without realizing it's often not a burden. I definitely feel a stronger bond with mates who have trusted me like that.

Also, hat tip to his wife who recognized what that her partner might need some help that she might not be able to provide and made it happen. There is a ton of emotional intelligence there.

I am trying to be a better listener... I do still catch myself going into Fix It Mode instead of... actively listening. Definitely something I'm working on.

Fix mode is dangerous territory, but is typical for blokes really...once past it then the true benefits come for the person pouring out their issues; having said that, it's easy to lapse back into that habit, takes effort not to.

Well said on the Australian men thing also, that's exactly how it is for most, especially those born and raised here like you and I. I'm a big advocate of the are you ok phrase and encourage an honest response.