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RE: Blind luck or by design

in Reflections2 months ago

Nah mate, not clichéd at all, it sounds like someone who respects their relationship, values the person and is grateful to have met them...and to have been (and be) the right person to attract them and nurture the relationship. Probably very little luck involved there.

Falling out of trees...yeah luck and chance I guess, at least as far as where one lands...the actual act of falling...well, a conscious decision was made to climb it so no luck there. Lol.

I think luck and chance plays a hand in life, no doubt...but when I want results I don't rely on it, my efforts pay greater (and more reliable) dividends.

Empty planes huh? Well...if I ever get one of those I'll have to speak to the airline hostesses to see what entertainments might be on offer. (Ok, just kidding...or am I?)